Voice of Justice ~by Rachel Israel

To be in the presence of counsels is where I reside. Everyone seek me out earnestly but they cannot find me. I am not amongst scorners or scoffers, but I am seated in the most lofty place very high in the Heavenlies. I do not drink wine of idleness yes my drink is not of this world. I am imparted in…

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I wonder in the night ~by Rabail Saeed

I wonder in the night of grief,If I just now cease to be,Who will get to know it first?Will they cry for long or brief?How will they accept this God’s decree? After placing me in my grave,With dirt, they will give me shade,Then they will head towards their homes,Leaving me alone in a place like cave,Where they will no longer be…

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Spring ~by Tashi Gyeltshen

The season of green as hypnotizing as painted optimism.The mother of all other seasons with a delightful sheen.You bloom as symphonious as teacherly mannerism. The season of charming foliageInvites hummingbirds that might cut the petals or weave nests on you with diligenceOr bees might dance musically at such an elevation of footage.You stand to me…

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I live under water, I breath there all right,Where humans just simply and quickly would die.I walk on the bottom, the fishes there fly,Like birds in the sky, like knights of the night. The Crab is all busy, he makes me a ring,With corrals, and pearls,Fish is netting for King.The red, glowing dress,And seaweed’s all impressed with laces, and braces,Delight on their…

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