How to Write a Good Poem

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Most people who love writing poems want to learn how to write a good poem. You want to feel accomplished once you write a poem that evokes the right feelings in yourself and your reader. I always say, allow the poem to write to you. Let the words take over when you write each line and feel all your senses taking a deep dive into your thoughts and feelings.

For each of us who writes a poem, the experience may be the same for some and different for others. Either way, poetry is an expression of your creative side. If you want to get creative, it’s time to drink some coffee because there’s going to be some real mental energy spent here.

Do you want to learn how to write a good poem? Let’s explore a few simple steps.

How to create a poem

Why do we want to write a poem? Most often, it’s because we’ve gained wisdom, learnt an important life lesson, or want to express our emotions.

Poetry is not just about telling someone what the poet felt. It’s about handing over your emotions to the reader. How can you make your reader resonate with the words in your poem? Let’s learn how to write poetry:

Step 1: Choose a topic to write a poem

Think of a topic. If you already have a topic in mind, great, let’s build on it.

Step 2: Structure your thoughts, make a description

If you are a beginner then while learning how to write a good poem, you must know how to structure your thoughts before writing a poem. To do this, you can write a description of your topic like writing an essay. An essay sounds elaborate but when you already know what you want to write, it just takes a few minutes.

Example of a description:

I missed her immensely but with each passing day, she cared less and less. I felt an ache in my heart because this friendship turned into a sour memory. First, my friend was a friend. Today, she acts like she doesn’t even know me.

Step 3: Divide your description, section-wise

Once you have written a description of your poem, divide it into sections. Check the flow and review it to see if each section flows in the right order. By this, I mean to check if your poem does not have any missing links.

  • Section #1: I missed her immensely but with each passing day, she cared less and less.
  • Section #2: I felt an ache in my heart because this friendship turned into a sour memory.
  • Section #3: First, my friend was a friend. Today, she acts like she doesn’t even know me.

Step 4: Write stanzas

Take the first section and write a stanza on it. If you want to learn how to write a good poem, you must understand the significance of a stanza. A stanza is a group of lines that form a recurring metrical unit in a poem.

For instance, take section 1 from step 3 as an example.

Description – section 1:

Stanza for section 1:

So, as you can see, the two lines are clubbed together to form a stanza. Therefore, I have written two stanzas in a poem.

Write as many stanzas as you want to complete section 1 from the description you wrote. Once you are certain you have written enough for section 1, move on to writing more stanzas for each section in your poem.

Step 5: For these three Habits

Once you have completed writing stanzas on all your sections from the description, it’s time to edit. This is one of the most important steps in learning how to write a good poem.

Editing your poem requires two habits:

  • Habit #1: Edit at least three to four times today. Do the same tomorrow; edit three or four times tomorrow.
  • Habit #2: Proofread for grammar and do spellchecks.
  • Habit #3: Check the flow of the poem from the reader’s perspective. While checking the flow, ask yourself whether your poem makes sense to a person reading it for the first time.

Step 6: Submit your poem for publishing online for free

If you are confident that your poem deserves publishing then you can submit your poem to me for review. Email me at You can read more if you want to know how to publish your poem online for free.


  1. Why does my poem get rejected for publishing?

If you do not take the time out to first practice how to write a good poem, there is a likelihood that in comparison to other poems, your poem is not as competitively written. You may have not followed the proper guidelines of that specific poetry website. Many submissions contain spelling errors, which are not taken lightly. Furthermore, some submissions read more as a letter than a poem. This means that any poem written must have poetic elements.

2. How long does it take to get a poem published once it is approved?

This depends from one poetry website to another. At Poeticia, it may take 7 business days to 30 days. If the submissions are plenty, a poem approved may take up to 60 days.

3. What happens after I submit my poem?

Your poem will be reviewed and decided whether or not it is fit for publishing.

4. Will I get paid for submitting my poem?

No, there are no payments to poets who submit their poems to Poeticia.

5. Do I have to pay to get my poem submitted on your website?

No, you can submit and get your poem published on the Poeticia website for free. The only time you have to pay is if you are participating in a poetry anthology.

6. How do I write a good poem?

If you want to know how to write a good poem, you can read the steps provided above, and in addition, read these blogs:

Featured image credit: 1tamara2 from Pixabay

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