Some say that all forms of darkness are like an abyss. Darkness is twisted silence filled with echoing maniac laughter, and the scent of withering flowers, about as unpleasant as the clicking of nails on tiled floors.

But little do they think of
The fact that light is often brighter
When in the presence of shadow,
That pearls are indeed found in the depths of the ocean
Hidden in the dark of an oyster’s tightly sealed shell.

And most people tend to forget.
The stars only shine,
At night surrounded by darkness.

And not all black is cold,
After all, coal can sometimes be warm to the touch.

It’s true that sometimes thieves.
And demons
Conduct their business in the dark.
But so do priests praying under the stars,
And many miracles grace us under the cover of darkness.

Many a poet,
and merchant
find joy in the long breadth of the night before
the golden light of morning reaches
the windows of those yet to wake to the light.

Indeed, good things do often hide in the dark,
Like a path of lanterns that light a winding road,
The stars in the sky on a moonless night,
A homely fire on a cold winter’s night.

Yes, the darkness is a thing of beauty,
With its dazzling star-covered wings,
And wise eyes,
Tinted with the glint of Nacre,
Its long sleek body tinted with hues
Of violet, navy, viridian, and mahogany sprinkled with specks of gold and silver.

The horns on either side of its regal head like that of a ram’s
And its curved talons sharp
Housing an almost gentleness to them.
With thick fur, and soft downy feathers.

What a creature to sit within the time before the sun rises
From the soft curve below the horizon
While waiting for
The sleep to leave their eyes

Yes, there is comfort in the darkness
And I’ll seek that warmth
Till the end of eternity.


Want to try your hand at poetry? Email me at poeticiapoems@gmail.com

Featured image credits to on Pixabay

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