Girl writing poetry

Poetry is the Cherry Sweet Solace found in a warm embrace. A twilight end to a rough day’s storm. A serene blessing in the tranquil of dawn.

Poetry is living in the presence of absence. Of a loved one that once was… lay now breathing in the folds of memories tucked away. A smile that delivers now the presence of lifelong absence.

Poetry is when I rejected a million stars to shine in your darkness. To long for your shadow as the sun burned all eclipses.

Poetry is the remembrance of a nation that was. A nation plundered by diabolical supremacies. Pulled back and restored like the life of an unborn by the warriors of freedom blended in peace and combat. Once a blessed assortment of cultures, that which made its home in the heart of every Indian, now again despondently breathes the remains of a lost memory in the hands of infernal beings.

And finally, Poetry is a multiverse of thoughts. Mixing one with the other on what has been to what will be and what could have been.

Featured image credit: qiaominxu_橋茗旭 from Pixabay.com

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