In the land of the dead, where silence reigns,
There lies a poem that no one explains,
A story of sorrow, of grief, and of pain,
A tale that no one ever dares to proclaim.

It speaks of a time when life was once bright,
When love and laughter filled the night,
But then came a moment, a sudden blight,
That took away all that was once right.

The words are etched on a tombstone so bare,
The letters so still, they seem unaware,
Of the tragedy that brought them there,
A reminder of a life that was once fair.

The poem tells of a love so true,
Of a heart that beat for only you,
But fate had other plans in view,
And death came knocking, without a clue.

The words are filled with a mournful tone,
Of a life that now feels so alone,
Of a love that will forever be known,
In the land of the dead, where it has flown.

The poem speaks of a journey so long,
Of a soul that has passed on,
Of a spirit that continues to belong,
In a place where the living are gone.

It’s a reminder of our own mortality,
Of the end that awaits us all inevitably,
But it also speaks of the immortality,
Of a love that lives on in eternity.

Always remember the words that were once said,
For they are a testament to the love we’ve shed,
And a reminder that death is not the end,
It is the beginning of the journey to another dimension.

Want to try your hand at poetry? Email me at

Featured image credits to GioeleFazzeri from Pixabay

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