Some of the finest poetry pieces in the world are by UK poets who have expressed their thoughts beautifully through their works. Their poems incorporate daily aspects of life like nature, romance, various societal problems, etc. The most famous UK poets in the world are William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, John Keats, Sylvia Plath, and Ted Hughes.

Famous poets from England

1.    William Shakespeare

He is globally recognised as one of the “greatest English poets” to ever exist. He has written 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and a few other minor poems. Shakespeare’s sonnets generally revolve around the themes of love and life. Some of his famous works are The Rape of Lucrece, The Phoenix, and Turtle, Seven Ages of Man, etc.

Seven Ages of Man

It is a famous poem that talks about the circle of life. The poet here describes life as a stage and the various phases of human life as plays performed by people. According to the poet, every person has seven plays depicted with everyday actions. The poem has been written in a narrative style with free verse. The poem at the end reflects on the fact that we all end up in the same position as when we started “a second childishness.”

2.    Sylvia Plath

She was a highly celebrated and controversial poet. Her poems are intense and highly autobiographical. They reflect her mental trauma, troubled marriage to fellow poet Ted Hughes, her self-perception, and conflicts with her parents. Some of her most famous poems are Morning Song, Poppies in October, Edge, The Moon, and the Yew Tree.

The Moon and the Yew Tree

In this poem, she uses the “moon” as a symbol of her mother and her melancholy. The Yew Tree represents the masculine role of her father and is associated with death since it is a tree commonly found in churchyards. The poem talks about the emptiness of a child’s life that is devoid of love and comfort from his parents. The poet here metaphorically talks about her cold and dark mind with grief without the warmth of home.

3.    Ted Hughes

Ted Hughes is one of the most prolific English poets who had a lot of controversy surrounding his career and personal life. His career launched in 1957 with his debut The Hawk in the Rain. Critics acclaimed him as an “exciting and distinctive new voice in English poetry.” Some of his famous works are Crow, Wolfwatching, Snowdrop, etc.


This poem expresses the uncertainty, and commotion that every human faces at the end of his life. Hughes tries to express the intense emotions of grief, fear, confusion, and loneliness associated with death in this poem. There is no rhyme scheme or pattern in the poem that reflects the chaos in death, referred to here as “life’s winter.” The poem begins as a tale of a mouse and a “shrunk world.” and eventually becomes the story of a woman at the end of her life.

Poetry has been one of the most elegant forms of self-expression for ages. It has been able to touch hearts and transform minds in a way that no other art form could have ever done.

Allowing the reader to empathise with the writer

As a poet enthusiast myself, I’ve seen many aspirants who’ve wanted to publish their poetry. It’s not the credits but the feeling of gratification towards oneself that endures forever. In a poem, you can express what people can’t understand when told directly by way of a simple sentence. Poetry helps you exude your inner feelings to the person reading them.

That’s why poems written skillfully have a way of helping the reader develop empathy for the writer’s feelings. Are you an aspiring poet enthusiast from the UK? Do you want to try creatively expressing your feelings through a poem? Poeticia is an online poetry website that encourages you to get your poems reviewed for free. Our team then decides whether or not your poem gets published on the Poeticia website. Just take a look at our poetry guest section and you’ll notice how even the most amateur writers can get their foot in the door.


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