How to write a haiku about nature?

If you’re wondering how to write a Haiku about nature, you’ve come to the right place. You could get your haiku published online if you do it right. Haikus about nature are a beautiful art form to express the poet’s appreciation for the beauty of nature. It is not easy to encapsulate the vast beauty of nature in a few lines. But there is a formula to it as explained in this blog.

The formula to write a haiku about nature

  1. Read examples of nature haikus

Read nature haikus by contemporary poets to get a sense of the tone and style of nature haikus. Fuel yourself with creative inspiration before you begin the process of writing.

  • Describe a setting in nature

Take a walk to your favourite nature spot, or imagine it in your head. What is it particularly in the place that catches your attention? Is it the booming flowers or a butterfly? Make that object the focus of your poem and build your entire poetry around it. Give a vivid description of that object and your emotions towards it.

  • Focus on the season

Most nature haikus hint at the season in which the poet is describing the natural scene. Come up with something signature to give the audience a clue about the season in which the poem is set. It could be “hot cocoa” for winter, or “fallen leaves” for autumn.

  • Use sensory details

To give your readers an immersive reading experience even in those few lines, write words that set a mood for the poem. For instance, you can describe the sounds the falling leaves make in autumn or how the snow feels on your skin in winter.

  • Go for a unique word choice

Be wise with the words you choose to describe the natural setting to create a strong image of it in your reader’s minds. Use impactful words rather than clichés.

  • Give a surprise at the ending

The best haikus- about nature or otherwise surprise the readers in the last line with a plot twist. Keep a contrasting element at the end than the rest of the poem to add a deeper layer of meaning to your poetry.

  • Edit the haiku

Once you are done with writing your haiku, sit down later to make it even more crisp and precise. Can you describe the same thing with fewer words? Can you use better words and expressions anywhere? Assess all these and edit your haiku accordingly.

Examples of haiku about nature

In the twilight rain

these brilliant-hued hibiscus –

A lovely sunset.

This nature haiku by Matsuo Basho describes the season, focus element, and background of the setting so beautifully.

The crow has flown away:

swaying in the evening sun,

a leafless tree.

This nature haiku by Natsume Soseki is a perfect example of introducing a contrasting element of surprise in the end. The poem starts with the image of a crow that has flown away. The second line makes the readers believe it was the crow swaying in the evening sun. But the third line reveals it was a leafless tree that was swaying and not the crow.

Writing any form of haiku is a task. If you follow these steps, you can master the art of writing beautiful nature haikus that leave a vivid impression on your readers. So, try your hand at a haiku, and who knows, you might be able to get your haiku published online.


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